
Biceps & Triceps (#LGLoveYourselfFit – "SELF") – 2/25

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WORKOUT NOTE – if you do not have a bosu ball, stand on one foot to cause the core to activate in working to achieve balance

What is #LGLoveYourselfFit?

In short, it’s one of many free blog challenges I host with daily workouts, tips and accountability challenges. This one is all about using health and fitness as a tool to boost your self love, confidence and overall happiness! 

To supercharge your results, I highly suggest you combine this fitness plan with my Eat Your Way Lean ebook, which will teach you how to eat in a specific way for physical results through a balanced nutrition approach!  It’s helped so many women see great results and I want it to help you too! 

Self-Love Message of the Day: 
One of the most powerful and also difficult acceptances I’ve had to swallow is one that has come from several personal development mentors, and I know it will make an immense impact on your life and your ability to experience self-love, confidence and happiness. When I say it’s difficult to accept, I mean it. Are you ready?? Everything in our lives (who we are, who are friends are, the positive things that have happened, the negative things that have happened, the job we hold, the relationship we are or are not in, the level of skill we possess, everything) has been created because of choices we’ve made. Life is choices.

If you’re familiar with personal development, I’m sure this is not the first time you’re hearing this. If this is new to you, you may be tempted to jump to excuses, like, “well, this happened to me and I had no control over that.” That was my first reaction to hearing all of this. Then I realized everything really is a choice. The reason it’s difficult to swallow is because it reminds us how powerful we are…how powerful our minds are. 

You have chosen to get out of bed this morning. You have chosen to visit to my blog and read this. You have chosen to be motivated, happy, stressed or sad today. Love is a choice. Hate is a choice. Courage is a choice. Your life is all a reflection of your choices! We were given free will! The majority of people won’t accept this, and therefore, they will spend their lives complaining about what is. However, the beauty in this acceptance is the realization that we can choose to change our current situation if we desire. Even if we cannot control every circumstance, we can control our response, which is just as powerful.

I encourage you to read this over few times ((it took me more than a few times to really understand and believe it lol). Once you start to harness the power of choice, you will find that self-love, confidence and happiness is well within reach, and you will begin designing the life you want!

Daily Challenge: Choose to love yourself today! Share just one of the many things you love about yourself. This may be more challenging to share than you think. We all have a tendency to believe that loving ourselves borders on narcissism, but being able to identify things we love about ourselves is actually quite healthy! I can’t wait to learn more about each other through these challenge posts!

Check In: Stay accountable by uploading your workout, meal, challenge and/or lifestyle pics to Instagram; inspire and be inspired by the community. Use our hashtags ((#LGAccountability #LGLoveYourselfFit #LGMealPlan #LGSweatSeshSelfie & tag me @laurengleisberg so we can all connect.

Don’t forget to leave love on other community members’ photos! 


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