
ConfidenceKini Challenge: Glutes (W3D6)

Today’s To-Do List:
[ ] Weighted Workout: Glutes

[ ] Premium Ab Plan: Coredio Workout Video

(workout HERE)
[ ] Photo Challenge

[ ] Community Check In


  • Complete 3 sets of each exercise before moving onto the next


Premium Ab Plan

  • Today’s Ab Workout: Coredio Workout Video
  • Find the Premium Ab Plan HERE

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Daily Photo Challenge
PAY IT FORWARD: get creative and have fun today as you pay it forward to someone: known or unknown

#LGAccountability #LGTeamKini
Tip of the Day: The joy is giving is an emotion worth discussing. Three years ago was the first time I ever really experienced this whole “pay it forward” thing. I was in line at Starbucks, grabbing a tea after I finished up a morning of classes and before I got to my retail job. Quite honestly, I remember being in a crabby mood… it was already a long day and I had so much ahead of me before I could get home and relax. I went to pay and to my delight and surprise, the person ahead of me paid for my drink. It only felt natural to go ahead and pay for the person’s behind me. I did and as I drove away, this overwhelming feeling of joy rushed through me. Growing up, I did a lot of volunteering and charity work, but there was something about this that felt different. It was so simple. I was not only taken back that someone offered to make my day a little brighter, but also was so excited for the customer behind me who received a smile too. Giving doesn’t have to be big, grand or extreme. A sweet text message… a few dollars worth of a coffee shop bill… it takes such little effort, yet the joy of giving it will affect your life greatly! Whenever I’m at the grocery store, I get $5 cash back and I chicken scratch on some random recipe a note to the recipient to continue paying it forward in some way. I place the money & note somewhere random. It’s truly the highlight of my week. I come home all giddy and my husband just looks at me: “did you just put money somewhere?!” It’s not that $5 will change someone’s life, but the thought that someone cared to do that just may and the ripple effect is endless.

Community Check In #LGTeamKini
To hold yourself accountable, check in with the community on Instagram!
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