
Legs (#LGFitmas Day 30) – 12/22

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{ What is #LGFitmas? Click here for more info…it’s not to late to join in! }
Leg day on a Monday is like looking at your week in the face and saying, “you’re mine.” 
Put all your confidence in yourself this week and go make it great!
Top & Pants: Lululemon
Motivation Monday Tip: An intention is nothing more than a thought that leads to something greater. On a simple level, wiggling your toes begins with a conscious intention that turns into an action. Especially during this time of the year, you may be feeling like your wheels are constantly spinning.  During the most hectic times, setting an intention can help you call to your life exactly what you are creating. Below are 3 simple steps that will take you no more than a few minutes to help you create an intention and make this week exactly what you want it to be!
3 Steps to Set an Intention:
(1) Take a Moment To Be Still
So often, we are in “go mode” and we aren’t aware of our thoughts or feelings; take a moment to just be and listen to what your mind is telling you.
(2) Establish an Intention
When you take a moment to yourself, you will be able to pinpoint what it is you’re most desiring in the moment. For instance, my mind and body are rarely in the same place. I’m sitting down for a meal, but I’m thinking about what I need to be doing on my computer, so I’ve established that being fully present in the moment is important to me, especially over a holiday week.
(3) Remain Aware
Once you’ve established your intention, keep it at the forefront of your mind. Write it down on a piece of paper or play the ideal scenario in you mind over and over; the more we are consciously aware, the more powerful that intention becomes.
Day 30 Challenge: (( INTENTION )) Share your intention with the #LGAccountability community to bring it to life, then leave some love on the pages of the other ladies!

Instagram Check Ins: 

accountable! Upload your workout, meal and challenge pictures to
Instagram to inspire and be inspired by the community. Use the hashtags
#LGFitmas #LGAccountability, and/or #LGSweatSeshSelfie and tag me,
@laurengleisberg so we can all connect!

– Don’t forget to add your email to my mailing list (located on the
right side bar of this blog) to receive an instant email containing the
secret I’ve been keeping on how I will help you see physical results
with very simple changes!

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