

I’m sure you would agree that your girlfriends can make a good day even better and a bad day less difficult. Now imagine the effect we could have on each others’ health and fitness goals if we all came together as one community! It’s happening 🙂

What: private group of individuals inspiring and empowering others to look better, feel better and lead lives they absolutely love

Where: Facebook & Instagram

When: Tomorrow

Why: The missing piece to almost every fitness and nutrition program is a community to support and encourage each other through the highs and the lows; I’m happy to provide you with that through connecting you like-minded, passionate, caring ladies together.

RSVP: LGAccountability@laurengleisberg.com if you’re interested in reserving your free spot! Currently, all spots are filled in the first group, but more will be opening this week!

By now, you’ve probably seen several posts on this group as I cannot contain my excitement! (( If not, you may read more here )) Taking the steps towards making health a lifestyle is not always easy, and that’s why I’m here…to teach you how to do it in a enjoyable yet effective way and to set you up with online friends who alongside me will encourage you every step of the way! 
If you’re in the group (or soon to be)….
Tonight, I just posted your smaller (10 person) teams. These are women who I encourage you to swap information with (follow on instagram, friend on facebook, add on snapchat, or send a few texts to). You can continue to get to know each other on a more personal level within the private Facebook group on the respective team discussions! Each day, I encourage you all to check out your teammates’ social media check ins, comment, support and encourage each other! We all have highs that we want to celebrate with others and lows where we could benefit from a support system….we can be that for each other! Also, you will have exclusive access (recipes, workouts, encouragement, prizes etc.) for daily challenges.
If you don’t want to be in the group but would like to follow along…
Each day on my blog, I will post the #LGAccountability daily challenge. I am incredibly passionate about using health and fitness as a stepping stone to much greater things – improved relationships, increased confidence, greater self image, more positive thinking, etc. So, the challenges will encompass all that healthy living entails! You can check in daily on social media with the hashtags below for the challenge and accountability posts!
Social Media Check Ins

Each day, share what you ate! This can be a collage of all your meals, a yummy new recipe you tried, or anything related to healthy eating. Hashtag this picture with #LGAccountability to share with the community and tag me @laurengleisberg so I can keep in touch with you too!

Each day, share whatever it is that you did to get active; many of you are working through my ebooks, so I encourage you to share what challenged you or what you improved on; others are doing the exact same workouts, so it will benefit you to ask questions and give advice! Hashtag this picture with #LGAccountability to share with the community & tag me @laurengleisberg so I can keep in touch with you too!

{All other inspiring pictures are welcome too – nothing is off limits} #LGAccountablity

Important things to remember
(1) If you’re on Instagram, be sure your profile is public so we can see your photos; I encourage you to create a “fitness” account if you would prefer to keep your foodie/active pictures away from your friends and family ((or share and inspire them too)

(2) The more effort you put in, the more benefits you rep; from ladies I’ve worked in, those who checked in daily, saw the best results ((just click here for the progress Yasmine made in 30 days, checking in daily & connecting with others))

(3) If you like something, tell me. If you don’t like something, certainly tell me! I’m all about feedback, so as we go through this, let me know what’s helping and what needs tweaking!

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