
Interval Treadmill & Ab Circuit – 8/13

-Bicycle crunches
-Complete rest

-Plank tuck jumps
-Complete rest

-Lying leg lifts
-Complete rest
….repeat 4x total

Download Version: Sets, reps, and weight suggestions are included on the downloadable
workout version, as well as my personal training tips and explanations
of exercise variations.

For this week’s plan download (meal plan & 5 workouts):

I, just like any of you, occasionally need someone to say, “no Lauren, you’re not going to write just one more Instagram comment…we are going to the gym.” I am not immune to days where I lack motivation or days where I want to eat everything in sight. On those days, I count on my accountability partners most. Surround yourself with those who will encourage you, push you, and inspire you!
Gym Style Details:
Crops: Lululemon
Shoes: Asics
Tip of the Day: “Drink more water.” You’ve seen that message posted on my blog, printed on the cover of magazines, and suggested by all sorts of health and wellness gurus. We know the benefits of drinking lots of water; fluid loss occurs constantly throughout the day, and this water must be replaced to maintain body fluid balance, promote cell health, hydrate the skin, and aid in waste and toxin excretion from the body. I like to think of water as a nutrient my body benefits from! Clearly, water is important.

Here are a few tips to help your daily waiter intake:
1) Add your own natural flavor! Instead of store-bought artificial flavors, try natural alternatives like mint leaves, watermelon chunks, or orange slices.
2) Track your water intake! Part of the reason we don’t drink enough is because we are unaware. There are apps like waterlogged and water your body to help track water intake, or a simple tally on a piece of paper will do the trick. 
3) Keep it on hand! When you take water with you when you’re out and about, you’ll be more likely to keep your water intake up.

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  1. Blaise

    Hi Lauren! When you say "complete rest," do you mean until your heartbeat is at a normal rate again? How would you define a complete rest? Thanks!!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Blaise,
      I would define complete rest as simply standing/very little movement. I contrast this with active rest where in between sets instead of standing waiting to begin the next set, you're jumping rope, running in place, etc. The idea behind a complete rest is to slightly lower your heart rate, so that you have enough energy to complete the next weight set and it also acts as HIIT cardio (which I find to be so so so beneficial). For timing, my general suggestion is to keep your rest periods shorter than the time it takes to complete a set!

      Hope this helps!


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