
Chest & Triceps Circuit (Day 19) – 5/2

Chest & Triceps Circuit:
-incline dumbbell flys
-incline pushups (hand on bench)
-bear crawl push ups (see explanation below)
-dumbbell overhead extensions
 ….rest & repeat 4-5x

-20min cardio

TIP OF THE DAY: Bear crawl push ups: a new favorite! Begin standing with feet shoulder-width apart and crawl hands out to an extended plank position. At this plank position, preform one push up. Walk hands back to feet and repeat. This movement is a CHALLENGING upper body and core exercise, especially in a circuit. If you find this too difficult, eliminate the push up and preform the bear walks out & back in; I began with bear walks & push ups, then moved to bear walks for the last few reps. I apologize ahead of time for these 😉

I create programs like the “4 weeks to tank top arms & a bikini booty” for you all; I follow along with these programs, but I admit that I don’t always give it my all. However, I have put everything into these first 3 weeks – I have determination that I never knew I had & the results are starting to show. In order to reveal muscle, there must be reduced body fat. This program promotes lean muscle mass while decreasing fat & I couldn’t be happier with the results. I hope my results are an indication of what you all are experiencing as well!
PS: My boyfriend’s roommate asked today in the gym about a few of the glute exercises I do; I showed him a few goodies & gave my tips for maximizing benefits. Ya have to love that guys are concerned about their own backside & they’re willing to take notes from fit chicks 🙂

Daily Dose of Motivation: I
get asked a lot about where I get the motivation to workout daily &
how one can build up this drive for regular exercise & eating
healthy. To be quite honest, I think it’s something you either have or
you don’t; it’s something you love as a lifestyle or try to make due
with. After 7 years of working out regularly, this lifestyle has become a
habit to me & habits are hard to break. This is why I stress
motivation as coming from deep inside of you. Things like “looking great
at my friend’s wedding” are short term and will fade; you can, however,
pinpoint what inside you desires this and build motivation off of that,
which over time becomes habit. ALWAYS believe in yourself!
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  1. giacint

    Hi Lauren!

    Quick question:
    What do you use for pre and post workout carbs?

    • Fitness Barbie

      Depends; I typically just eat a higher carb meal before lifting (around 1.5 hrs prior – carb source varies). Post workout I use Chain'd Reaction with protein shake.

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