
Rest Day (Yoga/Stretching) – 1/6

Rest Day:
-20min yoga
-10min rumble rollling

TIP OF THE DAY: For those of you who read my post the other day, I discussed the difference between active rest & complete rest days. With doing cardio almost every day, especially HIIT my muscles (especially leg muscles) don’t get a chance to recover, which some of you may experience as well! Also, when other factors, such as a lack of sleep (hello 3 week neuroscience winter class) come into play, your muscle recovery declines; therefore, you may experience even more muscle tension. Therefore, a complete rest day with 15-30min of stretching may be your best bet! Never feel that a complete rest day is slacking because rest days are ESSENTIAL for achieving results and allowing your muscles to rest and therefore recover/grow!

This is the yoga video I followed from YouTube today; it’s one of my favorites because it is extremely low intensity and really involves deep stretching of those legs! Not only is this guy’s pink spandex fabulous, but also this 20min stretch is perfect!

No tennis shoes, no dumbbells, no treadmill – boy, was this ever needed 🙂
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  1. Jentry Nielsen

    Great post! It is so true many don't take the needed rest days their bodies need! I know I can be guilty of not wanting to do nothing all day, but these yoga stretch videos are perfect for those kinds of days! Thanks for sharing, I will have to try this one out some time, if not for the pink spandex view alone! 😉

  2. John Smith

    Great fitness article 😀 and nice figure 🙂 Baby 😀 and congratulation for looking barbie 😀

    advantages of stretching

  3. Ramesh chauhan

    Very good and usable post. Thank's to share your experience with us. I will try to remember these tips in my blog commenting task.

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