
Legs – 10/15

-leg press
-leg extensions
-barbell squats (wide stance)
-leg curls

-barbell calf raises
-seated calf raises with 45lb plate on thighs (a seated calf raise machine would be best, but my school gym doesn’t have one so I improvise!)

*Keep in mind, we are in the muscle building phase, so every set should go to failure with heavy weight!

TIP OF THE DAY: Food for burning calories. Studies show that by choosing whole, unprocessed food your metabolism must work harder to break them down than with processed foods – burning up to 300 extra calories per day! So, what are some of these metabolism boosting foods that burn fat? Salmon, avocados, beans, chili peppers, and green tea. Try incorporating some of these foods into your diet, and see the results for yourself! I’m having some salmon, veggies, & brown rice for dinner tonight & trying new way to cook it – watch for the recipe 🙂

MOTIVATION MONDAY: What is your goal for this week & what did you do today to work towards it? Thumbs up to starting a workout with my HumaPro bag full of ALRI supplements 🙂
FitnessBarbie Style: belted cardigan & the knotted belt
Try belting a cardigan with the knotted belt technique – buckle the belt as usual, but use the excess to go down and behind, coming out the top then back over and through the loop! 
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