

Here is this week’s workout plan until the Summer Challenge kicks off. This in between challenge workout schedule utilizes the original weight training plan (or past challenge workouts) to lead to even greater results during the summer challenge. It’s like taking a few practice laps before the big race. It will prepare your body for all the weight training to come, so you can see even greater results.

As a reminder for those just joining, these is what the summer challenge will include…

Weight Training Plan 2.0

The SummerFitcation Challenge will incorporate the brand new Weight Training Plan 2.0… it’s a fresh workout plan featuring the very best workouts I have at helping you sculpt your body while shedding body fat. For summer, it’s important to have all the workouts upfront, a complete home and gym version, and pictures on the same pages of the workouts (I heard you on that!)

Summer Meal Menus

Summer Weekly Meal Menus are happening for meal plan members…. new recipes sent right to your inbox for EIGHT weeks! Each week has a summer theme from BBQ/grill recipes to summer sweet treats and pack-ables or on-the-go meals. They’ve made healthy eating a breeze, so I can’t wait to continue with those.


Until the SummerFitcation Challenge kicks off, I’m putting together weekly fitness schedules for us to follow along. There are two options for you to pick whatever works better for you and your schedule 

OPTION 1: Weight Training Plan 1.0 (Home or Gym)
Because we will be following the new 2.0 version, of course going back to the original Weight Training Plan is a great way to see even greater results with the new plan. I’m going to strategically switch up how we follow this plan though, so be sure to check out the details each week.
OPTION 2: Past Challenge Workouts
I’m also going to be providing a workout of the day using workouts from past challenges that you can follow along with. This is a fun switch up and feel free to bounce between option 1 and option 2 whenever you feel like it!



Option 1: Phase 1, Workout B – Push I (Weight Training Plan)

Option 2: Shoulders (here)


Option 1: Phase 1, Workout B – Pull I (Weight Training Plan)

Option 2: Back + Biceps (here)


Option 1: Phase 1, Workout B – Legs + HIIT + Abs I (Weight Training Plan)

Option 2: Legs + Glutes (here)


Option 1: Phase 1, Workout B – Push II (Weight Training Plan)

Option 2: Chest + Triceps (here)


Option 1: Phase 1, Workout B – Pull II (Weight Training Plan)

Option 2: Back, Biceps, Rear Delts (here)


Option 1: Phase 1, Workout B – Legs + HIIT + Abs II (Weight Training Plan)

Option 2: Legs + Glutes (here)


Option 1: REST

Option 2: REST

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