
#LGFitmas Challenge: HIIT Cardio & Abs (W1D3)

Watch a quick video demo on some of the above exercises HERE
Why Not Wednesday Tip of the Day: Why not talk about HORMONES today?! Nerd alert…I have a background in Biology, so I’m super interested in how our bodies work in order to create the most effective plans for you, so excuse me while I geek out on endocrinology. I will argue that hormones affect our ability to lose fat and get fit more than any other variable out there, so why look on this cellular level in terms of seeing out results?! If you’re struggling with stubborn fat, this tip is certainly for you!
One of my favorite hormones is leptin. When I think of leptin, I think of a fit bombshell, yelling “okay girl, you’re good… put down that fork” because that’s just what leptin does; the role of leptin is to signal the brain to tell you when you’re full.  Sounds great, right?! Are you thinking, “hey I like leptin” lol?? Here’s the problem…that process is often impeded. One way that can happen is through excess consumption of fructose ((yes, the natural sugar found in fruit)) In small amounts, fructose is okay, but too much fructose as well as added sugar in processed food provides too much for the body to utilize as one time, so it converts it into fat cell, which then give off leptin. Too much leptin (or any hormone) creates a resistance, leading to the brain missing the full signal and preventing you from feeling full and increasing the likelihood you’re overeating and storing fat. Intriguing, right?!
This is a great example of why too much of even a good thing can be a bad thing, and it’s why the nutrition system I teach in Eat Your Way Lean is so beneficial to helping you see physical results! As you proceed through LGFitmas, keep focusing on the portion guideline in Eat Your Way Lean to ensure you’re seeing results by working smarter not harder!
If you’re interested in reading more on this, check out “The Science” Section in Eat Your Way Lean, starting on page 5 ((Black Friday is the biggest sale of the year at LG.com, so if you’re thinking of downloading that ebook, hold off until then and you’ll be happy you did ;))
My idol is my mom, Debbie 🙂 She’s the most selfless person I’ve ever known who is so full of love  and you can feel it when you’re in her presence. I strive every day to be more like her in that way!
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  1. Kimberly

    Hi Lauren,

    I have been following your workouts for several months now and have been doing fitmas as well. I want to join in on the checkins and contests, but I literally just joined Instagram and am trying to figure out how. Do I just put a comment to check in or do I need to take a picture in order to participate? Please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Kimberly! Great question… check ins are a picture uploaded to Instagram where you use the community hashtags #LGAccountability #LGFitmas and tag me @laurengleisberg so we can all connect You can upload your workouts, meals and lifestyle pics. There are several ways to win the giveaways. The sneakers go to someone I feel has made a huge commitment this week to both fitness and nutrition which I judge mostly off meals. There's also a chance to win (the water bottle this week) by supporting fellow community members with encouraging comments!

      Also, in the starter pack, there's a page on the #LGAccountability with more detailed info on check ins!

      What's your Instagram handle?? I would love to do some stalking 😉 XO

  2. Anonymous

    Loving the workouts so far! This challenge has been great! Is there a calendar posted somewhere that tells what areas will be worked out each day, or what days are rest days?

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