
5 Minute Feel Good Cardio Workout

^^Begin your day with 1 round or substitute 4 rounds for today’s cardio workout^^

#LGSummerFitcation Phase 2, Week 1A
Daily Workout: Cardio + Abs

Today’s workout is found in Fit For Life (home workouts – page 9)   
& Total Body Transformation (gym workouts – page 8)

What is #LGSummerFitcation? Read more here  

 Day 3:
#LGFitAndFlexible Instagram Challenge: Reverse Warrior
Recreate the above pose, holding the stretch for 30 seconds and repeating an additional 3x. Complete on both sides. Share your pose on Instagram! Click here for the details 

Tip of the Day: Happy July 1st! Today marks the official 2015 half way point. As you know, I love the first of the year because there’s so much inspiring energy in the air and women everywhere are committing to looking and feeling better through health and fitness. I’m hoping we can get into that zone today as an opportunity to refocus on those goals we may have set as New Year’s resolutions. Instead of looking back and analyzing how you did with your goals, let’s just start fresh ((this advice is coming from the girl who cannot remember her resolutions)). Whenever I set a few goals, I like to categorize them: career, personal, and health, which I further break down into nutrition and fitness. I think it’s pretty important to set goals in all these categories in order to work on living a balanced life. Everything in our life is intertwined, so by setting and accomplishing goals in one area, we can actually boost another area.

Here are a few of my 2015 half way goals:
Stay focused on putting out content that I would have loved to have when I began getting into health & fitness and expanding the #LGAccountability community to touch more lives and smoking hot bodies 😉
Locate a Houston suburb for Anthony and I to settle in after our wedding
Stick to organic, natural, and real food items 90% of the time, especially with treat meals
Track strength/rep improvements on push ups, squats, deadlifts and pull ups
What are yours??

Check In: Stay
accountable by uploading your workout, meal, challenge and/or lifestyle
pics to Instagram; inspire and be inspired by the community. Use our
hashtags #LGAccountability #LGSummerFitcation #LGMealPlan
#LGSweatSeshSelfie & tag me @laurengleisberg so we can all connect.  
Don’t forget to leave love on other community members’ photos!

JOIN #LGSummerFitcation HERE:
Receive weekly
motivation, tips, workouts, recipes, promotions & more direct to
your inbox to help you reach your health & fitness goals:

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