
Push Circuit – 10/6

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Workout Download: Want more out of this workout?! The downloadable workout version includes my personal training tips and explanations on all the exercises listed + a meal plan to enhance results!

Read more and download this week’s complete plan (meal plan & 5 workouts)


Tip of the Day: “The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but for the wide world’s joy” -Henry Ward Beecher  A little sunshine can go a long way! Taking your workout outside for even just 10 minutes can make a huge difference in your health, mood, and energy levels. The source of these benefits stem from Vitamin D, which is produced by the body under sun exposure. Even sports teams like the Chicago Blackhawks have begun testing Vitamin D levels due to the benefits!

3 Benefits of Sunshine Exposure:
(1) Endorphin Surge: studies have shown UV rays help release endorphins (( the happy hormone )) leading to overall pleasurable, good feelings =mood boost
(2) Lower Blood Pressure: the warmth from the sun aids in increasing blood circulation and vitamin D produced under sun exposure has been shown to reduce blood pressure
(3) Better Sleep: daily sun exposure helps regulate circadian rhythms (( the body’s internal clock – physical, mental and behavior changes that occur within a 24 hour time frame )) which can equate to a better night’s sleep

3 Exercises You Can In Your Backyard With a Chair or Bench:

(1) Incline Push Ups
(2) Dips
(3) Step Ups

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