
Arms Circuit – 10/16

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Workout Download: Want
more out of this workout?! The downloadable workout version includes my
personal training tips and explanations on all the exercises listed + a
meal plan to enhance results! You can read more about this week’s complete plan here or download below


Tip of the Day: Use your love of life to fuel your desire to eat well and stay active. Easier said than done, right?! Yes, I know, but hear me out. I can share all the health and fitness tips, tricks, and techniques, but none of that amounts to anything unless there is a desire to utilize it. If I can help you in one way…I hope I can help you see how loving your life brings an immense amount of energy to your body and soul; this energy can create a burning desire to live life to the best of your abilities: including a rocking body, a personality to match it, and the feeling of health from the inside out.

So how do you start? That’s the million dollar question! Personally, I’ve found the process is quite a cyclic effect.

{ workout = motivation to eat better = healthy food choices = results = motivation to continue healthy living = more workouts }

If you look at this cycle as spitting out a new result each time around, you can see how results add up quickly. I’m sure many of you notice all sorts of results from healthy living that aren’t just physical: self love, improvement in relationships, peace of mind, confidence, serving as a role model for your children, etc. All of these results contribute to an overall greater and greater love of life, which just fuels the cycle!

Bottom line…keep going! You don’t have to be “good” at working out, eating well, and making healthy choices; you just have to keep trying! Keep chugging to spit out more and more results, so that eventually you will get better and better!

#LGAccountability: Want to join a group of women who are there to inspire and empower others to look better, feel better, and lead lives the absolutely love? It’s happening on in my private Facebook group. If you’re interested, read more here and email LGAccountability@laurengleisberg.com Hope to see you there!


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