

Here’s the first video for the “motivation” playlist on my YouTube Channel. I hope these videos are simply a sit down we can have together to talk about the deep stuff as we navigate through going for our dreams and living with passion and purpose!
When I decided to forgo dental school and go for my dreams (you can read more about that here), I had to have one thing: a vision. I look at this like going on a trip; we don’t just hop in the car or jump on a plane and take off aimlessly…we always have a destination. I hope this video helps you establish a destination for where you want to go, so getting there becomes more feasible!
Click here to view the video on YouTube

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  1. Lessye

    I love this video! Thank you for sharing, and for chasing your dreams, so that I (and so many others) can benefit from your posts and tips 🙂 I appreciate that you keep your content relevant to a large spectrum of people. I launched a health and wellness business earlier this year and totally agree it's all about vision when getting started (and to stay motivated along the way!!). I have found that my "why" drives me so much; my "why" happens to be my two young daughters that I get to stay home and raise 😉 Congrats on being a visionary!

  2. Cait O’Donnell

    Lauren! Thank you for this post! I'm currently in a career transition and it's terrifying me! I'm moving from that path of where I've worked to be to the path where I want to be. The steps, and tips you have provided are so helpful! Thank you thank you thank you! Keep up the posts!!!

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