
Chest & Triceps Circuit – 8/12

-Inclined push ups
-Dumbbell bent over tricep kickbacks
-Dumbbell flat bench chest press
-Dumbbell overhead tricep extensions
-Triangle tricep push ups off knees
….rest & repeat 5x total

Download Version: Sets, reps, and weight suggestions are included on the downloadable
workout version, as well as my personal training tips and explanations
of exercise variations.

For this week’s plan download (meal plan & 5 workouts):

I checked out new gyms in my area today & feel in love with the view. I could just work out in the parking lot! Yes?! No?! 😉

Gym Style Details:
Top & Crops: Lululemon
Shoes: Nike Frees
Tip of the Day: Are you taking steps in the right direction to reach your goals? If you’re reading this post, I’m sure you’re someone who is quite serious about their health and well being. It’s also my assumption that you’ve set some goals for yourself… maybe you’re trying to lose 10 pounds or fit into a particular dress for an upcoming event or perhaps you’re trying to put on some muscle and attain a fit look. We often set goals, yet take steps all over the place and become frustrated when our goals are not met.

One step per day is all I challenge you to take: one step per day in the direction of your goals. After just one month, these small steps become 30+ amazing steps you might have been afraid to take if you had to take them all at once. A small step may be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or as large as throwing out every unhealthy food item from your refrigerator and pantry.

Because you’re only taking one step per day, the process becomes balanced and enjoyable…a lifestyle! Log these steps. Write them down in a journal or on the notes section of your phone. I’m certain this will not only help you achieve goals faster, but also will enable you to enjoy the journey!

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  1. Kelly Robbins

    Great tip Lauren. I usually keep my goals in my head. That hasn't been the best plan so today i am going to write them down. Hey there's my first step:) also congrats on your career decision. You are a big inspiration for getting in shape and your kind and positive spin on life makes this one of my favorite blogs!

    • Fitness Barbie

      Hi Kelly,
      Haha I LOVE it…the best first step ever! Thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoy my blog, and I can't wait for you to love it even more with what I have coming 🙂


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