

Abs: everyone seems to want them, but not everyone knows how to achieve them. And for good reason – there are far too many health and fitness myths out there that lead people down the wrong paths. For starters, let’s debunk what I consider to be the top two myths that can alter abdominal progress.

Common Myths:
Spot targeting refers to picking a spot or muscle group (ie: “abs”), and working that area to reduce body fat; basically, this would mean that doing ab exercises, such as crunches would equate to less abdominal fat…. wouldn’t that be nice?! Unfortunately, fat loss is a systemic process that occurs through proper diet and effective exercises. We cannot pick and choose where we want to lose fat, and typically the first places we gain are the last to go.

Abs are muscles and they should be thought of in the same way that you would think of your bicep. Abs require training to develop and grow. Abs need rest to allow for muscle repair and recovery. And just like any other muscle on your body, abs will be hidden by a layer of fat. Therefore, in order to see abdominal definition, a low body fat must be achieved.

These myths can be initially discouraging, which is likely why we want to believe them. However, knowledge is power and learning how to effectively target the abdominal muscles, reduce overall body fat, and eat for fat loss will give you the results you’re looking for! Remain determined and consistent!

What are the lower abs?
The lower abs receive much attention because fat cells seem to be quite stubborn in that area, but they are also the pinnacle of a six or eight pack! These “lower abs” are actually muscles that make up the bottom portion of the rectus abdominis combined with the external obliques. Therefore, many ab exercises, including “lower ab exercises” will also recruit other muscles in your core.

My Three Favorite Lower Ab Exercises:
This exercise has both a lying and hanging variation. For a lying leg lift- begin on your back with your arms at your sides. Contract your core as you pull from the lower abdomen to lift the legs up perpendicular to the floor. Slowly lower down before repeating. Keep from letting your legs touch the ground in between reps. For a hanging leg lift- grasp onto a pull up bar, and contract the core to lift your legs out in front of you.

Place your feet and shins on top of an exercise ball and extended your upper body outward, placing your hands on the ground in a push up position to form a bridge to the ball. Draw in your abs and tuck your knees into your chest, rolling the ball in under your hips. Hold for one second and return to the starting position.

Begin on your back and bend at the knees so that your feet are within 1 foot from your butt. Contract the left oblique to touch your left hand to your left heel then contract the right oblique to touch your right hand to your right heel and continue.

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  1. ab workouts for women

    Everyone wants to build abs, but they don't know how to get it. Building a body or abs need lots of patience & regular workout. Women who want to build abs should practice under instructor's observation.

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