
Shoulder & Glutes – 5/16

-Barbell shoulder press
-Angled dumbbell side lateral raises
     superset with dumbbell front raises
-Resistance band rear delt flyes

-Sumo squat into upright row with kettlebell
-Single leg dumbbell deadlifts
     superset with frog jumps
-Cable pull throughs 

Dollar a Day Training: Sets, reps, and weight suggestions are included on the downloadable
workout version, as well as my personal training tips and explanations
of exercise variations.

For this week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):


 Flex Friday! What’s your favorite muscle to flex? Mine would definitely be my abs! It is sometimes forgotten that “abs” are actual muscles much like the muscles that comprise your arms. There are several different abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, internal oblique, external oblique, transverse abdominus). Similarly to how your arm looks differently when flexed, your abdominals will look different when contracted. Don’t let pictures of abdominal definition deter you! It took me awhile to actually learn how to flex these muscles. Seeing this abdominal definition comes from 1) building the muscles through exercise and 2) revealing the definition through reducing body fat (where diet comes in). 
Gym Style Details:
Top & Crops: Lululemon
Tip of the Day: My Friday Fact…sharing personal facts about myself so you can get to know me better; I am so grateful for your open and honesty in sharing your journeys with me!
Fact: I am the worst secret keeper! I am the girl who buys a “surprise” gift and spills the beans before giving the gift. However, I’ve learned to turn my inability to keep a secret into a living. It’s the reason why I share everything I learned, everything I’ve experienced, and everything I’m trying with you. Being a blogger enables me to be real, honest, and open. When I first began following fitness personalities, I hung onto their every work. When I worked in the fitness industry, I was truthfully disappointed in the “secrets” some individuals held; they didn’t want to actually share exactly what they were doing or how the accomplished something. I believe there is enough success, love, and happiness to go around, which is exactly why I share everything I can! No secrets here 😉
Ebook Update: I love my ebooks & I’m so happy you do too! Yesterday, I shared 1 of my 2 favorite things about the ebooks so here is #2:
they’re “sister” programs and have the same workout schedule (not the
same workouts but the same order). Why is that awesome? Well, since
“Total Body Transformation” contains 12 weeks of gym workouts and “Fit For Life” contains 12 weeks of home workouts, you can use both at the
same time!!! Following the same program, you can work out one day in the
gym, then if you get too busy or can’t make it to the gym, you can work
out at home the next day. This leaves little to no excuses for missing
workouts – you have the ability to work out outside or inside your home,
ensuring you stay on track more easily to see the results you’re
looking for. More details and downloads for these ebooks can be found here.
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