
Back & Biceps Circuit (Week of Fat Loss 3.0) – 5/29

-Wide grip lat pull downs
-Stiff arm push downs
-1 min cardio
….rest & repeat _x

-Barbell rows
-Barbell rack pulls
-1 min cardio
….rest & repeat _x

-Dumbbell single arm rows
-Dumbbell bicep curls
-1 min cardio
….rest & repeat _x

-Cable curls with straight bar
-High cable curls with handle
-1 min cardio
….rest & repeat _x

Dollar a Day Training: Sets, reps, weight suggestions, and specifications for the 1 min cardio intervals are included on the downloadable
workout version, as well as my personal training tips and explanations
of exercise variations.

For this week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):   

Tip of the Day: How to enjoy chocolate – guilt free! I’m often asked if I eat junk food and how often. The short answer is yes. The long answer is this… First off, there are times I indulge not in moderation and without any sort of approach – I’m human! However, the majority of times I eat foods that keep me sane, such as sweet treats, I do so with strategy. For instance, for those of you following this week’s meal plan, you’re enjoying a serving of chocolate each day. What makes this treat guilt free is a few things: 1) timing – I wouldn’t each chocolate right before bed as it leaves my body little to no time to use the extra carbs/sugar for energy; instead, I would eat it earlier in the day or even post-workout 2) serving size – the meal plan specifies exactly how much chocolate to enjoy; I always eat enough that it feels satisfying, but integrate it into a larger meal, so that I’m not over-indulging. Secondly, just learn to enjoy! Don’t worry about the exact amount of calories or sugar…just go for it!

Sneak peak at the chocolate on this week’s meal plan


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