
Legs – 2/10

Sprints (30 sec on/30 sec off – warm up)

-Cable kickbacks
-Leg press
-Stiff legged barbell deadlifts
     superset with leg curls
-Barbell back squats
     superset with leg extensions
-Dumbbell walking lunges

Sprints (30 sec on/30 sec off – cool down)

Dollar a Day Training: Sets, reps, weight suggestions, and time specification for the sprints are included on the downloadable
workout version, as well as my personal training tips and explanations
of exercise variations.

For this week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):


There are days when you look in the mirror and you aren’t happy with how you look. There are days when you look in the mirror and you’re proud of how you look. We tend to forget all the times we feel bad about ourselves. Sadly, it’s a lot easier to remember the bad times than the good; it’s actually a component of our biological survival skills to remember these “traumatic” events so we can recognize them and hand them better in the future. If our bodies are subconsciously capable of such a feat, imagine what could happen if we positively trained ourselves to focus on the highs of each day: the extra rep with the squat, the extra mile ran, the feelings of satisfaction. The more good you focus on, the more good you see. When you look in the mirror today, I want you to tell that person how great he/she is!
Fitness Barbie Gym Style:
Top: Lululemon
Shorts: Forever 21
Tip of the Day: When it comes to health and fitness, we can easily complicate the process. It is all to easy to begin worrying about going over our daily caloric goal by 5 calories, the detailed nutritional benefits of broccoli versus asparagus, or the exactly the right time to take your protein. I saw this quote and thought it perfectly summed up a great perspective to take on healthy living: run faster, eat better, sleep longer, try harder, aim higher, love more, day by day, get happier. Don’t complicate the process; strive for progress not perfection!
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  1. Heather

    i need to remember NOT to complicate things!

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