
HIIT Cardio & Abs – 2/26

HIIT Cardio:
-3min walking (warm up)
     Inclined walk
-3min walking (cool down)

Weighted Abs:
-Bosu ball/exercise ball crunches with dumbbell
-Hands to toe exercise ball passes
-Russian twists with dumbbell

Dollar a Day Training: Downloadable
version includes time specifications for the  cardio
workout and sets/reps and step by step instructions for the ab workout; I included my personal
training tips and exercise descriptions for the abs movements.

For this week’s combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):

Let’s get SWEATY! I have 2 gym looks: as few clothing items as possible or as many clothing items as possible. There are certain days when I just love to sweat! Today was one of them!
Fitness Barbie Gym Style:
Pants: Lululemon
Shoes: Asics
Tip of the Day: One
of those thought provoking questions! I am a total comfort girl; I
don’t care too much for change because change typically requires time
and effort in adapting to something new. I always thought I was “happy,”
but never really knew how happy I was capable of feeling until I began
doing things that were scary or uncomfortable at first. Take a look at
what you have going on in your life and the people you have around you.
Are you doing what you’re doing because you’re comfortable with it? It
it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you! It’s important to be
secure with where you are, but it’s not okay (in my opinion) to settle
for “good” when “great” is just beyond your comfort zone. Ask yourself
this question! There’s always time to make a change!

5 Small and Simple Challenges to take:
1) Try one new food
2) Try one new exercise machine or movement
3) Enjoy a conversation with a co-worker, classmate, neighbor, or complete stranger you’ve haven’t previously spoken to
4)  Share one of your goals with another person
5) Ask someone you love a deep, genuine question and see where the conversation goes

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