
Tips to Sticking to New Year's Resolutions

In years past, I’ve found it tough to stick to my new year’s
resolutions. Within the first month, we may find ourselves letting go of
some of those goals and by spring, new year’s resolutions aren’t even
on our minds. This is a cycle that so many of us repeat each and every
year, but these five simple tips will help you stick to your new year’s
resolution. Personally, I’ve found these tips very helpful for myself
when it comes to staying on track with my goals for the year; create
habits that turn into lifestyle choices.

It is key to set realistic, yet challenging goals as new year’s resolutions. Making these goals measurable is a
way to assess how well you are progressing. Remember to always
challenge yourself in life; it will create a better and stronger you.  I
like to keep a daily journal that I write in before going to bed each
night. In this journal, I write things that I’m proud I accomplished on a
given day and I always write down a few goals I hope to achieve the
next day. All of these small accomplishments are stepping stones to help
me achieve my larger goals.

is ultimately the foundation of success. I like to say, “failing to
plan is planning to fail.” Being well prepared is a fundamental aspect
of reaching your goals, no matter what the goal is. Preparation comes in
many forms from mental to physical. Are you mentally prepared to tackle
a busy, difficult week? Did you prepare your meals for this busy week,
so it’s not an added stress? Did you lay your gym clothes the night
before for your early morning workout? The way I look at preparation is basically putting your best foot forward before the race even starts.

I am constantly saying to myself is, “how badly do you want it Lauren?”
I must motivate myself mentally so that my goals can be met and
surpassed. I must refrain from making excuses of any form. Excuses get
you nowhere, but it is a hard habit to break. It is very easy to say,
“I’m tired, so I’ll finish this tomorrow” or “today is too busy to do
that.” It’s harder to simply make it happen despite all obstacles, but
that is exactly how goals are reached. Work hard and make your dreams a

There will
be extreme obstacles. There will be people who mock and doubt you. There
will be days when you think your goals are unreachable. Know you will
encounter this, and know others, including me, do too. Never give up on
your dreams or your new year’s goals. When you encounter set backs, keep
pushing forward. Do whatever it takes to get through the moment. Small
steps forward are progress. Keep your mind in a healthy place and keep a
positive perspective so that you can continue moving forward when the
going gets tough.

heard the quote, “you become like the 5 closest people around you:
choose carefully.” Truly, those around you can make or break you.
Choosing a healthy lifestyle will come at a cost; I’ve lost friends over
it and share that experience with many others in the same place.
Instead of wasting energy on the negative, focus on building
relationships that move you closer to your goals. Look for traits such
as positivity, motivation, determination, perseverance, encouragement,
etc. in friends and family. Having a support system around you will
enable you to flourish.

2014 your year! Revisit these simple tips whenever you need to ignite
the fire inside and get you closer to your goals! I believe in you, and I
need you to as well!
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