
Chest, Calves & Cardio (Week 7) – 12/18

-Push ups
-Dumbbell flat bench chest press
     superset with dumbbell flat bench flyes
-Push ups twists
-Dumbbell incline chest press

Calves Circuit
-Calf presses on leg press machine
-Standing calf raises
-Toe walks
….rest & repeat

-2 min walking (warm  up)
     Inclined sprint
     Complete rest
     Complete rest
     Inclined walk
-2 min walking (cool down)

Dollar a Day Training:  Sets, reps, weight suggestions, and specification for the cardio intervals (speed/incline/time) are included on the downloadable
workout version, as well as my personal training tips and explanations
of exercise variations.

For the week 7 of the 8 week extravaganza combo pack (meal plan & 5 workouts):


Something I hear often: “you’re much smaller in real life than you are in pictures.” It’s been awhile since I shared one of these photos, but here is a unflexed vs flexed picture.
Fitness Barbie Gym Style:
Top & Crops: Lululemon
Tip of the Day: Muscle = bulk? Let’s continue from the picture above. So how come one can gain muscle mass and not gain size? One word: density. It is a myth that muscle weighs more than fat (think 1 lb of lead = 1 lb of feathers). However, muscle is more dense than fat; five pounds of muscle physically takes up less space than five pounds of fat, which can actually give the body a “smaller” appearance. 
received several messages regarding my 12 week home workout program
that I intended to release on Monday. Typical Lauren style – I had a
change of plans; I want this 12 week ebook to serve as a foundation to
jump start a lifestyle of healthy living. This lifestyle, in my opinion,
includes nutrition and a healthy mind. I am working on additions to
include those elements, so look for a release shortly after the new
year. As for now – here’s a sneak peak at some of the workouts.
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