
Chest & Shoulders – 6/8

Chest & Shoulders
-flat bench barbell chest press
-incline barbell chest press
-cable cross overs

-dumbbell shoulder press
-dumbbell upright row
     -superset with dumbbell side lateral raises
-rear delt cable pulls with rope

TIP OF THE DAY: Form > Weight. I don’t post the weight I use nor reps or sets in my workouts. I have a YouTube video discussing this topic further, but I want to emphasize the importance of proper form. I’m sure you’ve seen those guys (or girls) in the gym swinging huge, heavy dumbbells around. However, that same movement preformed slowly, controlled and with proper form at half of the weight may be an even greater challenge. Yes, it is important to increase weight in terms of progressing; however, progress can also be measured form. Never sacrifice form for weight!


Daily Dose of Motivation: To
YOU – you are amazing! You are the absolute best version of you. You
are beautiful exactly as you are. Your life is filled with love and joy.
You are strong and courageous and I believe in you!

Song of the Day: American Baby -DMB
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