

Week 1 Progress Pics & Tips To Reach Your Goals
Can you believe it – week 1 is officially completed, which means there are just 3 more weeks until your tank top arms & bikini booty are completely revealed. Keep in mind, everyone shows progress differently; some have bodies that respond quickly initially, while others take a little longer to see their hard work. I like to refer to health and fitness as an escalator, even when you reach “the top” or have the body you want, you must keep working & taking steps in order to sustain that body. In my opinion, sustaining can be even harder than the initial weight/fat loss or muscle building. When you’re not seeing the scale drop by 2-3lbs each week or measuring that your biceps have grown, it’s difficult to stay committed, but it IS worth it.
My stomach is the first place to show my progress; this is mostly in part to diet! You will be pleasantly surprised as to how much your body can change after just one week of clean eating. Yes, the workouts are a large factor as well, but diet can make or break your progress! Overall, I feel leaner, tighter, and more defined.

Be sure to tag your Instagram progress pics to #fitnessbarbie to hold yourself accountable for your hard work! Use each other to motivate & inspire!

Tips to Reach Your Goals:
1) Set realistic goals! Losing several pounds in a few days in an unreasonable goal. Similarly, things like a “thigh gap” or a stomach without rolls are goals that are superficial & without backing. Set goals that are well founded and achievable, otherwise you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.
2) Make a plan. Lucky for you, I’ve laid out a plan for you. Still, the key to having a plan is sticking with it. I have given to you a macro count & workouts on a silver platter (this is something some individuals charge hundreds of dollars for). Therefore, I recommend taking full advantage of this program & any other free tips/info you can get your hands on.
3) Believe in yourself. Positive thinking and self confidence goes a long way, especially in terms of your health & fitness. When you believe in yourself, you give others a reason to believe in you as well. Believe you can get to your goals, and believe you can succeed!
4) Surround yourself with positive, supportive people. We all know how hard it can be to maintain a healthy lifestyle when there are negative influences around you. You may experience that a lot of your friends and family members don’t understand this lifestyle of yours; have faith that the good friends will stick by you. If there are certain people who can’t be supportive towards your healthy choices, it may be time to reconsider that relationship.
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