
Back & Biceps (#LGKickStart Fit Day 31) – 2/3

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How To Take Simple Steps To Clean Up Your Eating Habits
Habit 2 of 5: (( MENU ))  
Here’s a personal story from when I was cleaning up my personal eating habits. The task of meal planning and prepping used to give me anxiety; I saw pictures people posted of their food prep and it appeared overwhelming! I began with a simple step that helped me feel prepared with my meal planning without forcing myself to eat the same meals each day. I created a daily meal menu, and I suggest this is a healthy habit you pick up too! Each evening, I would plan out my meals for the next day, using items I had in my refrigerator and pantry. I would then spend 15-20 minutes putting meals in Tupperware containers if necessary or cooking up a few quick things that I needed. This approach will help you feel as though you have no need to reach for a bag of potato chips or whatever your unhealthy, yet convent option of choice is; having your meals set for the day will promote healthy eating without the hassle!
Feel free to right click and save my Meal Menu to use for yourself!
Jot down your meals for tomorrow – it’s not only a great way to prepare,
but also it serves as a handy meal tracker!

Check In: Stay
accountable by uploading your workout, meal, challenge and/or lifestyle
pics to Instagram; inspire and be inspired by the community. Use our
hashtags (( #LGAccountaility #LGKickStartFit #LGMealPlan &
#LGSweatSeshSelfie and tag me @laurengleisberg so we can all connect.

Challenge: Plan out your menu for today and/or tomorrow and share it with the community!
Don’t forget to leave love on other community members’ photos!

Speed up your physical results by combining your fitness
plan with my Eat Your Way Lean ebook! (( click here ))
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  1. Stacy Steinmeyer

    Great workout and tips for staying on track and eating clean. I do the best when I have everything planned out as well! Thanks for sharing!

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