
Bikini Body Series – Cardio Workouts

So, we kicked off this bikini body series with an ab workout ( click here for ab workout ). If I didn’t specify, I would recommend doing that ab workout 3 times per week! Abs are like any other muscle group and need time to rest and recover in order to show progress! I am not above this bikini body series, and will be doing all of the things I recommend, so feel free to follow along with my daily workouts! The daily weight training will continue to focus on heavy lifting as I’m not trying to burn off any muscle, but keeping the workouts at a faster pace will encourage fat loss.
Cardio is something that most assume to be the best workout for weight and fat loss. No. Cardiovascular workouts are what we typically think of as “calorie burning” workouts. Still, weight training can burn the same amount of calories in the same time frame AND burn calories after the workout is complete, which traditional cardio workouts do not. A combination of both is optimal for fat loss. The key to making cardio count is switching it up! Think to yourself… what cardio have you done in the past year? I would guarantee 75%-90% of it has either been on an elliptical, treadmill, stepper, or some other fixed motion cardio machine at the gym. Get ready to part ways with these machines in order to see results. I encounter a lot of people who think running is the end all of cardio for losing weight and fat – WRONG! Do you know I burn more calories/have a higher HR by jumping up and down for 10 minutes than I do jogging at 5.5-6.0 on a treadmill?! Yes, I’ve tested it 😉 I’m not trying to knock running or the treadmill, but I guarantee you will see better results if you switch it up. I encourage you to try some of these workouts at home or in an offset room at your gym!

Bikini Body Cardio Workouts
Try to hit cardio 3-4 times per week; keep this schedule on a rotation to keep your body guessing in order to maximize fat loss!

Bikini Body Treadmill or Elliptical Workout:
-5min warm up (walking or slow pace on elliptical)
 -25min HIIT
     1min “jogging” on a high incline
     1min “sprinting” on moderate incline
     1min “walking” on a low incline
-5min cool down (walking or slow pace on elliptical)

NOTE: Jogging, sprinting, and walking are terms for both eliptical and treadmill. For an elliptical workout, jogging = medium pace, sprinting = fast pace, walking = slow pace.

Bikini Body Pyramid Workout:
-3min jogging in place
-25 jumping jacks
-15 star jumps
-10 burpees
-15 star jumps
-25 jumping jacks
-3min jogging in place
…rest 90sec or more & repeat 2-3x

Bikini Body At Home or in Gym Step Workout:
-3min joggin in place (warm up)
-25min (repeat this sequence as many times as possible in 25min): 
     -50 toe touches to step
        >Rest 30sec
     -40 step ups (20 each leg. Step up with left foot and bring right knee to chest & vice versa)
        >Rest 30sec
     -40 mountain climbers (20 each leg. Begin in a plank position, resting hands on step. Bring in left knee and return to plank. Alternate legs.)
        >Rest 30sec
-3min jogging/walking in place (cool down)

NOTE: For this workout all you need is a step at any height that suits you. The step can be a plyo box, low table, first step of a stair case, chair, etc. – get creative!

Good luck ladies! Stay consistent & patient.. you will be bikini ready in no time!
Photo taken 2years ago. My… how my body has changed 😉

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  1. Jentry Nielsen

    I have been stressing already about bikini season coming all too quickly! This program looks awesome! I can't wait to try out these workouts, thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Anonymous

    Hello, I ma ndoewto this, pleae tell me what 25 min HIIT ist? thanks

  3. Adam Prowse

    My fitness plan contain a regular cardio and yoga workouts.
    I spend more then 1 hour at my daily workouts.
    My daily workouts are as follow:
    Running: 15 minutes,
    Jogging: 15 minutes,
    Push ups: 25,
    Pull ups: 25,
    Sits ups: 50,
    and Yoga : 30 minutes.

    Maitland gyms

  4. Abdel

    This sort of things are kind of need especially for the ones who goes through obesity and things like that.
    I personally feel in this era that should be the thing that we need to bother doing activties on daily basis can take the fitness to the next level.

    physical therapy emr

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