
Legs – 11/13

-seated leg curls
     -superset with leg extensions

-walking barbell lunges
     -superset with abductor machine

-lying leg curls (I did dumbbell between feet lying on flat bench)
     -super set with adductor machine

-smith machine squats

-stiff legged deadlifts

-seated calf rasises
     -superset with toe walks

TIP OF THE DAY: The truth about Smart Ones/Lean Cuisine/etc. Today was my cheat meal and I chose a Smart Ones Three Cheese Ziti and some fruit (weak cheat meal right?! but I was craving it). For quite a few years, I used to think healthy meals included options like the frozen and prepacked Smart Ones and Lean Cuisine options (there are other brands/types) because they were low calories and often easy yet tasty. Plus, the box told me it was healthy 😉

I just wanted to share with you some of the reasons why these are NOT a good go to for weight loss. First off, low calorie is not everything. In fact, calories are GOOD as long as they come from clean foods because they will give you energy to get through a workout for instance and to sustain the fat burning process that occurs throughout the day. Now, check out those ingredients:  processed, processed, processed & chemicals, chemicals, chemicals. These are not the calories you want to be putting in your body. Also, these types of meals are often filled with sodium to make up for the lack of calories – this one has almost 500mg. Additionally, 46g of carbs is a lot for one meal ladies, especially since the carb source (a white noodle in mine) is not the type you are looking for either! Finally, the label reads 12g of protein, but where is this protein coming from if there is no meat? Dairy and artificial sources! If there is meat, check out the quality… processed and fake! You can just as easily bake or grill a chicken breast, make a quick and easy salad, and have a healthy carb, such as brown rice, which is the better way to go if you’re trying to shed some pounds!

Killer leg workout today – supersetting is a great way to keep your heart rate elevated and to really feel the burn in those leg muscles! Gray pants on leg day = visible sweat; sweat = hard work 😉

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