

Here are six moves that will work
your entire body! No equiptment is required other than you and your dorm room/apartment
🙂 For beginners, perform each movement and wait 20 seconds in between each,
and then repeat the sequence. For a moderate level, perform the entire sequence and rest 90
seconds before repeating again. For a more advanced workout, and to add in some
cardio, perform each movement, doing 30 seconds of cardio (jogging in place,
jumping jacks, etc.) between each movement, then resting 90 seconds at the end of the
circuit before repeating. Repeat circuit 3-4 times.

PUSH UP TWIST (10 – 5 each side)
Begin in a push up position,
performing a push up. At the top of the push up, twist, raising one arm up to
the ceiling while balancing on the other. Return for another push up, reaching the opposite arm up this time.
PULSING LUNGE (20 – 10 each leg)
Begin in a lunge position with a
great distance between your feet. Lower down and return up (not quite all the
way), returning down again. Make sure your knee never goes over your toes!
After 10, bring your back foot to the front and repeat. 
Begin flat on your back, arms
overhead. Contracting your mid section, bring your knees and chest together.
Slowly reach your legs back out and arms overhead without touching back down to
the floor and repeat.
Begin in a push up position, but
move your hands closer together, forming a diamond with your fingers. Lower down
into a push up, keeping your elbows close to your body and return up. The backs
of your arms (triceps) will be burning if you’re doing this correctly; these
are tricky – try enlarging the triangle or going off your knees if you need!

SKATERS (20 – 10 each leg)
Begin standing with your feet
hip-width apart and lower down into a squat position. Bring your right foot
behind your left leg, bending at the left knee simultaneously. Return your right
foot back to the starting position and repeat by bringing your
left food behind your right leg. 
Begin lying face down, arms
overhead. Squeeze your lower back as you raise your chest and feet a few inches off the
floor, hold 10-20 seconds at the top, and slowly return back down to the floor. 
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