
Cardio Day 10/14

Cardio (HIIT):
-5min walking warm-up
-20min intervals of 1min fast paced jump rope (no jumps in between rotations) & 45 sec walking
-5min walking cool-down


TIP OF THE DAY: Maintaining. Our health and fitness goals are often focused on gaining or losing, such as gaining muscle mass or losing weight. Once we reach those goals, we face the new challenge of maintaining. Maintaining involves much of the same diet with the allowance of a few more cheats, less cardio, and rep ranges around 15 reps per set. This is no excuse to slack, but a regimen that is more realistic and achievable on an everyday basis will help you maintain your results.

Grocery shopping goodies!
I that Asian dressing for the first time in Dallas (AMAZE) & someone suggested using it as a marinade… YUM; just remember moderation & serving size! Also, I’ve heard wonderful things about the Greek yogurt veggie dip – I don’t eat dip/ranch with my veggies but I thought I’d try it out since I can afford to be a little lax with my diet in the next two weeks! Check out that Ezekiel carb heaven (english muffins & tortillas). 
KEEP IT CLEAN – if you don’t buy it you can’t eat it 🙂
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