

Fiction: A calorie is a calorie.
Fact: A calorie is NOT a calorie. Many think that as long as
they take in less than what they expend, then the type of food does not matter.
100 calories of cookies is not the equivalent of 100 calories of fish and
veggies. For weight loss and muscle building, it is essential to choose
nutrient dense foods; quality foods will determine the quality of your results!
Fiction: Weight lifting will make women look bulky.
Fact: There is an obvious difference in testosterone levels
between men and women. Because of this, women do not naturally have the
capability to build the muscle mass that men evidence. Weight lifting will
create a figure of tight, toned, and lifted on women.  100 pounds of muscles weighs the same as 100 pounds of fat,
so muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. However, muscle is more dense than fat.
Therefore, an increase in muscle mass and decrease in fat, will create a
smaller sized figure.
Fiction: Genetics will determine your body type.
Fact: Women LOVE excuses; I’ve heard them all from “my
thyroid & metabolism won’t allow me to lose weight” to “my grandmother,
mom, and sister all have big thighs, so I will too.” There are a few genetic
cases that are more difficult maybe impossible to overcome, but don’t use it as
an excuse… you CAN overcome it. If it’s a slow metabolism, tighten up your
diet; if you come from a family of big hips and thighs, work harder in the gym.
Many people have beaten their genetics, including me. It is POSSIBLE!
Fiction: Eating at night will make you fat.
Fact: Weight gain has everything to do with energy balance –
energy your body expends as compared to energy intake through food and drink –
which determines weight loss or gain. Eating late at night does not exactly
mean you will gain weight. I would however recommend decreasing carbohydrates
into the evening. Having sufficient amount protein throughout the night is
essential in muscle recover and results.
Fiction: Exercising early in the morning will provide the best
Fact: There is no “best” time for working out… it is all
based on you. For those who are morning people, early workouts may be great and
beneficial. However, if your schedule or personal preference lends towards
later workouts, the benefits are just as strong. Time does not determine the
quality of a workout.  Similarly,
the soreness you experience after a workout does not determine the quality;
don’t let that be the determining factor in assessing the level of a workout!
There is no magic pill or supplement to get you to your
results. Diet, exercise, and sweat are the only things needed to get you there!
Happy healthy eating and training 🙂
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