
Chest & Triceps 8/21

-incline dumbbell press
-cable crossover
-chest press machine
-pec deck flyes
-seated dips
-cable pushdown with V bar
-reverse grip cable pushdown with handles
-overhead dumbbell extension (dumbbell in each hand)
-15 min cardio
TIP OF THE DAY: ARMS! We all have the legs, abs, and cardio on the regular workout schedule, but we cannot forget the arms! Nobody wants the arm giggle when they wave or the puckery arms in a cute shirt or tank… there is nothing like a toned, muscular arm. Biceps, triceps, and the deltoids (shoulder muscles) comprise the muscles on the arms and all serve as “smaller” muscle groups. Split up the arm muscles to be added to the end of a workout of a “large” muscle group, such as the legs or schedule a full arm day to work all these muscle groups.

One of my favorite tricep tighttening movements – the cable kickback.
Always stay in control, move slowly, and sqeeeeeeeze that muscle!


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